This is the third episode by Maanvinder Pilania for 365 Days of Astronomy about the Ring System which aired on September 21st, 2022. Note that the episodes of this podcast are not always available to listen because the episodes are archived after some period of time but can be accessed at any time on their official website.
Talking about the ring system, the only astronomical body that comes up in the mind of peoples is the planet Saturn which has a ring system which can be seen easily with the help of a telescope. But did you know that Saturn is not the only one that has these jewels. Even there is a planet which has a ring system bigger than that of the Saturn. All thanks to modern astronomy, which have been successful in finding such objects which have a ring system with the help of spacecrafts and telescopes.
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Ring System around astronomical objects- September 21st, 2022, 365 Days of Astronomy.
check all episodes here.